Thursday, 20 June 2013

Arriving in Prague

In February, one of my closest and most treasured friends in Edinburgh fled the city and escaped to Prague to study and explore for one whole term.
As sorry as I was to be losing such a trusted ear (and loving heart), it didn't take either of us long to start plotting my own adventure over there.
I hadn't flown anywhere for almost two years due to a dire combination of my inability to save, the fact my passport had expired and my laziness to renew it.
And so I finally attended to my poor little passport and shortly after her departure, I sorted out my own.
4 months, multiple deadlines and a severe flood warning later I landed in the magnificent place that is Prague!

Welcomed with open arms just after 6pm, I was whisked away to Pizza Coloseum for our first meal and a well overdue catch up!
It was quite late when we were finally satisfied and with a full night ahead we hurried home - by tram! - to change into more comfortable clothes.
Another tram ride later (the tram quickly became my preferred mode of transport), and Becky introduced me to her room mate Amy and ''Popo'', her favourite pre-drinking spot in the whole of Prague.

By the look on our faces I think we were all in agreement of Popo's brilliance.
An outstanding equation of cheap drinks, good music and great company!
Once we were more than merry, we tried and tested a selection of clubs and eventually settled on 'James Dean', a 1950's American inspired club complete with retro decor...

A little while into the night we bumped into Phil, another friend from Edinburgh who also decided to swap bonny Scotland for beautiful Prague!

I couldn't help but feel that I too should have considered such an opportunity.
If not to explore a little part of our planet, then at least so these two wouldn't forget me.
However, it seems that I was there in spirit.. and ink, so I couldn't be out of mind for long!

Hours passed in what felt like minutes and we eventually danced out into the morning light.
It was so amazing to see the city so quiet and peaceful.
Hard to imagine that the place would soon be swarmed by all walks of life.

Here I am in front of Franz Kafka's house at ridiculous o'clock AM. 
A Literature student, it would have been rude not to. 

Post night out snack or a hearty breakfast? 

A Breakfast Burrito has a ring to it. 
Setting us up nicely for the day ahead...


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